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How To Bio-Hack Your Way To Health and Happiness. Secrets Learned through 6 Years Of Research, Development, And Coaching In Functional Health...

Discover the 4 most important craving triggers And How You Can Overcome Them So You Can Start Feeling Like Yourself Again!

Highly-sought after Natural Health Consultant Fran Mac Invites You To Start Understanding Your Unique Health Blueprint, So You Can Unlock Your Full Potential.
“Why? Why is this SO hard?”

This was the question that had been gnawing away at Fran Mac's sanity for years.

Fran was a successful executive, who was used to being able to achieve everything she set out to do. But she was miserable all the time, exhausted, overweight, struggling with random aches and pains. She thought there was something wrong with HER because nothing she tried made any difference to how she felt.

For years, Fran had tried to do the right thing - avoiding fat, going to the gym, yet still she felt out of control and miserable

So… why isn’t anything working?

Read on to find out how one simple bet with her son over lent turned into a happy accident that helped her unlock the key to defeating her personal kryptonite forever. 
But before you find out what helped her turn the tables around, let’s turn the focus on you.

Are YOU silently screaming inside?

  • ​You are successful and professional in all areas of your life, except when it comes to your health goals
  • You dream of becoming happy in your own skin, but you don’t believe you have the time or willpower to make a diet work for you.
  • Calorie counting hasn't worked and you're exhausted, trying to figure why it is such a struggle for YOU compared to everyone else. 
  • ​You are frightened and confused about your lack of energy, random aches and pains, disrupted sleep, or low mood.
  • You are suffering from a chronic health condition that is preventing you from peak performance.
Wherever you are in your health journey, whatever you are struggling with, know that just by being here, a brighter future lies before you.

Studies have shown that in just two short weeks you can take back control of your health and your life, and start feeling like yourself again.

Fran Mac, CHC, AFMC.

So how did Fran transition from feeling ashamed and miserable to dramatically transforming her life, to feel strong, confident and happy? 

Fran was a successful senior executive in a global PR firm, but on the inside she was miserable. The consequences of metabolic syndrome left her feeling unattractive, unlovable, undesirable and that it was only going to get worse as she got older. 

So how did she achieve this amazing transformation?

Well, a simple bet with her son led her to discover by accident, exactly what she had been been struggling to find - the solution to her health issues. She then spent over 6 years and tens of thousands of pounds, studying holistic nutrition, functional medicine and life coaching so she could help others fast-track their own transformation.

She went on to become one of the most sought after natural health consultants in the UK. She is an advisor to the UK Health Coaches Association, and her work has been published in numerous national publications including The Sunday Telegraph, Top Santé, Country Living, and Woman and Home Magazine.

What exactly did Fran Mac discover to put her clients on the path to exponential health and wellbeing? And how was she able to create lasting change in her life and most importantly to feel better at age 60 than she did when she was 40?

The answer is quite simple.

She discovered the secret to REAL Health and Wellness. Her own health and her coaching business then grew exponentially as a result.

So how did Fran transition from feeling ashamed and miserable to drastically transforming her life, changing her body and mind? 

Fran was a successful senior executive in a global PR firm, but on the inside she was miserable. She felt unattractive, unlovable, undesirable and that it was only going to get worse. 

So how did she achieve this amazing transformation?

Well, Fran figured out how to create massive change in her own life. She then spent over 6 years and tens of thousands of pounds, studying holistic nutrition, functional medicine and life coaching to help others achieve the same results. 

She went on to become one of the most sought after natural health consultants in the UK. She is an advisor to the UK Health Coaches Association, and her work has been published in numerous national publications including The Sunday Telegraph, Top Santé, Country Living, and Woman and Home Magazine.

What exactly did Fran Mac discover to put her clients on the path to exponential health and wellbeing? And how was she able to create lasting change in her life and most importantly to feel better at age 60 than she did when she was 40?

The answer is quite simple.

She discovered the secret to REAL Health and Wellness. Her own health and her coaching business then grew exponentially as a result.

This is the REAL Deal - my signature methodology. A considered, iterative approach to getting to the root cause of your issues, that is centred on you.

Unlocking your secret health code takes time as your body adjusts and shifts its own rhythms. You are unique, and what will work for you is unique, that is why this methodology is so powerful.

The REAL Methodology

R = Review 
The first step is to fully review the situation. To pay attention to you as a whole person and map out all the dynamics in play for you by taking a full health history, gathering or commissioning any relevant tests and tuning-in to your unique combination of symptoms and what they really mean.

E = Evaluate 
Analysis of this information will enable us to get forensic and start to de-code the messages your body has been sending and begin to unlock your unique health code. The out-put of this work is a prioritised step-by-step action plan

A = Action 
As you put the plan into action, and we check in together bi-weekly, you will start to experience positive shifts as your body responds and begins to restore its own natural balance.

L = Learn 
Your experience and feedback will help us to gain clarity. The way your body will respond is unique to you, and we need to be respectful of that process as we deepen our understanding, validate your unique health code and refine our priorities. As we peel back the layers of the onion, and spiral round this process of Reviewing, Evaluating, Acting and Learning we will move closer and closer to your goals.
When we review your unique health code, evaluate the right steps for you, and put them into action, then you can LOVE the experience of REAL health and wellness.

Do you want to know exactly how you can do this?

Well, you’re in luck because you’re about to discover the 4 most important craving triggers and how to beat them forever! With Fran as your personal guide, you will quickly experience all the benefits of REAL health and wellness.

See how people from all walks of life achieved the impossible goal and created REAL Health and Wellness

Just by applying the REAL Methodology and overcoming sugar addiction, Fran has led her clients to achieve incredible improvements in their health, and in doing so unlock their full potential to create miracles. Here's a glimpse:

  • A Performance Coach in the UAE massively increased her confidence and lost 12kgs after she turned to Fran to help her recover from breast cancer. 
  • ​A senior executive for a major FMCG corporation had been struggling with her weight for some time but now feels in control of her health and like herself again.
  • A schoolteacher who felt she had reached the end of the road when she was signed off work for exhaustion and stress got the support she needed to get her energy and life back and return to work.
  • ​A retired UN Ambassador was beginning to struggle with arthritis. She was looking for a simple wholefoods programme that she could adapt to her own lifestyle, is now active and fit in her seventies, and craving free.
  • ​A medical student who had struggled for years with PMT and ongoing gut issues found out the root cause of what was causing her problems, and feels like a different person.
YES — you too can discover energy levels you never thought possible.

YES — you too can unlock more success than you ever imagined by taking control of your health.

YES — you too can experience REAL health and wellness.

All you need to start on the path of REAL health and wellness are these 4 craving triggers and how to overcome them. Are you ready? Then let’s get to know a little bit more about the coach who will bring out the best in you.

See how people from all walks of life achieved the impossible goal and created REAL Health and Wellness

Just by applying the REAL Methodology and overcoming sugar addiction, Fran has led her clients to achieve incredible improvements in their health, and in doing so unlock their full potential to create miracles. Here's a glimpse:

  • A Performance Coach in the UAE massively increased her confidence and lost 12kgs after she turned to Fran to help her recover from breast cancer. 
  • ​A senior executive for a major FMCG corporation had been struggling with her weight for some time but now feels in control of her health and like herself again.
  • A schoolteacher who felt she had reached the end of the road when she was signed off work for exhaustion and stress got the support she needed to get her energy and life back and return to work.
  • ​A retired UN Ambassador was beginning to struggle with arthritis. She was looking for a simple wholefoods programme that she could adapt to her own lifestyle, and is now active and fit in her seventies, and says all her food cravings have gone.
  • ​A medical student who had struggled for years with PMT and ongoing gut issues found out the root cause of what was causing her problems, and feels like a different person.
YES — you too can discover energy levels you never thought possible.

YES — you too can unlock more success than you ever imagined by taking control of your health.

YES — you too can experience REAL health and wellness.

All you need to start on the path of REAL health and wellness are these 12 Steps to Kicking Your Cravings For Good. Are you ready? Then let’s get to know a little bit more about the coach who will bring out the best in you.

Meet the top natural health coach who will bring out the best in YOU
Imagine if anyone could transform their health, just by changing the way they eat. It may seem impossible, but Fran did it and so can you!
Fran was a successful senior executive in a global PR firm, but beneath the surface She was miserable. She was trying to be healthy, doing all the "right things", but as it turns out, the "right things" are different for each person. 

"I really wanted to have lots of energy. I wanted to be able to sleep. I just wanted to feel good about myself instead of being miserable all the time, and ashamed. I felt that there was something wrong with me because nothing I tried made any difference.
I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic, I was overweight and depressed. I was frightened that I was unattractive, unlovable, and undesirable and that it was only going to get worse. I felt diminished, and that's a horrible feeling. It was really, really scary.

Things started to change for me when I was challenged to give up gluten for Lent. Turns out that wheat was triggering a sugar addiction I didn't know I had, and giving it up meant I miraculously started to feel better. Escaping from this addiction and all those sugar cravings was life-changing. Inspired by the impact of this one change…I started to understand my own unique health and wellness blueprint, because I was able to start working out what were the best choices for me and my health.

I also began to understand that that 'cookie cutter' diets don't work and most of what I had been told about food is a lie. I needed to learn to listen to what my body was telling me about the foods I was eating.

As a result I lost 30lbs and reversed the prediabetes. Suddenly I started feeling like myself again. In fact, I felt better than ever before, like I had taken back control of my health."

Fran went on to study Functional Medicine and life coaching. It took 5 years and cost her tens of thousands of pounds, but for the last five years she has been working as a certified Functional Health & Hormone Coach and an Advisor to the UK Health Coaches Association. All of this training and experience enables her to truly serve her clients by helping them get to the real truth BEHIND what they are experiencing daily.
imagine if you too could feel younger, have more energy, reconnect with your health, and feel like yourself Again?
See what people have to say about working with Fran Mac
"Since working with Fran, I've noticed a transformation in my outlook, because my performance at work is enhanced, and I now have this can-do attitude about other areas of my life."

Suki, Canada

"What is remarkable is that all my food cravings have gone! I feel hungry at the right times, but not craving food, and this makes it so much easier to stick with the programme and lose weight. The whole experience has been a game changer for me!"

Sarah M., USA

"I could not recommend Fran enough, I feel like I am finally getting my life back again! After years of constant illness (awful headaches, sinusitis, brain fog, allergic reactions, anxiety, depression, severe food allergies and weight gain), I had given up all hope of being well again and leading a normal life, but now I finally feel understood and listened to and I am now on the right protocol for me to heal my gut and restore my health. "

Felicity, UK

"I just wanted you to know that I’m doing well and have lost 12 kilos! I’ve completely changed my diet and just don’t eat anymore rubbish. I had gone through menopause and also had breast cancer so I just became this fat little blob and I felt like crap. I couldn’t stand having this big fat stomach and just generally feeling revolting and I had no energy. Doing the 2 week transformation gave me the confidence to start the change process. "

Debbie, UAE

"Whether it is weight loss, inflammation, immunity or digestion issues, Fran addresses the impact of our nutrition on our health and comprehensively guides you through a process of removing possible 'trigger' foods (with explanations, a clear protocol and loads of delicious recipes)"

Victoria, Netherlands

"I have absolutely loved working with Fran who has been so supportive every step of the way! She was extremely thorough in uncovering underlying issues which were causing my hormonal imbalance. Whilst working through these issues, she was extremely understanding in limitations I had and ensured everything we spoke about fitted in my life. I felt able to ask Fran absolutely anything - nothing was too much trouble and she was always around to answer any questions. After just 3 months I feel like a different person and I look forward to future consultations!"

Katrina, UK

What Is The Value Of REAL Health And Wellness?

The world is full of extraordinary people, doing extraordinary things. 

You may be thinking that you aren’t one of them; That you are genetically doomed to a life of pain and disappointment; That climbing that mountain or getting that promotion will always be out of reach for you; That the older you get, the slower you get, and your days of peak performance are over. The truth is, you’ve got what it takes to achieve things you never even dreamed possible.

Fran can help you achieve the impossible and take back control of your energy levels and focus.

And when you can do this for yourself each and every day, when you can access your ability to be extraordinary, then you have the ability to accomplish anything.

What is the value of leaving behind the mindsets that sabotage your health and your success? What is the value of fully showing up and feeling like yourself again? What is the value of the freedom and income which you can create for yourself by creating REAL Health and Wellness?

Thousands of Pounds? Tens of Thousands? Perhaps even more.

You and I both know in actuality how priceless this is, but we still need to put some figure to it. So let’s get to business and start talking numbers.

To get one-on-one coaching with Fran requires a minimum investment of £3000. That’s the minimum. 

But you don't have to pay £3000. You don't even have to pay £300.

Today, you have the chance to uncover your personal health code using the REAL methodology Fran has developed over 6 years of researching, learning and coaching. A methodology she has used to create powerful results for extraordinary people like you.

You can overcome the 4 most important craving triggers and start feeling like yourself again right now for just £47.

Check out everything you'll get when you buy "No More Sugar Shame - The Alpha Women's Guide To Overcoming Sugar Addiction" Today.

Here's what you get when you purchase "No More Sugar Shame - The Alpha Woman's Guide To Overcoming sugar addiction" today!!

(I honestly can't believe I'm giving away THIS MUCH value!)

Discover how to make your biology work for you, not against you, and get the support you need to make key changes for the long-term

Learn the 12 most important secrets to Kick Your Cravings For Good!
Sweet success: the alpha woman's guide to overcoming sugar cravings for good
(£47 Value!)
In this amazing e-book you'll discover:

  • The 4 most important craving triggers and how to overcome them
  • ​The Truth About Why Sugar is So Bad For Us
  • 5 ways Natural Whole Foods help us manage cravings
  • ​The 12 most important secrets to kick your cravings for good 
  • ​Delicious, naturally sweet Recipes, that won't throw you off balance!
Sweet Success: AUDIO BOOK 
(£47 Value!)
In this accompanying Audiobook you'll hear about:

  • The 4 most important craving triggers and how to overcome them
  • ​The Truth About Why Sugar is So Bad For Us
  • 5 ways Natural Whole Foods help us manage cravings
  • ​The 12 most important secrets to kick your cravings for good 
  • ​Delicious, naturally sweet Recipes, that won't throw you off balance!
Sweet Success food and MOOD JOURNAL 
(£47 Value!)
In this perfect companion workbook you'll discover:

  • ​Track your transformation to REAL Health and Wellness
  • ​Take the 'how addicted are you?' quiz
  • Understand and take control of your own triggers
  • ​Decode your own unique health blueprint 
Free recorded group call 
(£150 Value!)
Dig deep into the issues that matter to you most and get personalised support to help you get the most out of the programme.
And, just in case you're still on the fence - on this page only, I'm going to include some exclusive bonuses you can't get anywhere else!
your health iq index
Get clear on your health score!

This health and wellness quiz makes it simple to understand the underlying reasons for your low energy levels and other symptoms so you can begin to master your own unique health blueprint to get you where you want to be and make empowered choices. This means you will finally get to enjoy the feeling of being comfortable in your own skin, looking great and feeling great too.

£47 Value

Transformation toolkit
  • The 10 most important secrets to be well and happy
  • ​5 foods that should be on your plate every day
  • 3 Day Wellness Kickstarter programme and detox meal plan
  • ​Bonus Tools: Kitchen Detox Tips, Bonus Recipes, Top Immune-Boosting Foods and MORE!

£97 Value

Low-carb & gluten free
Delicious Alternatives to Bread, Wraps, Rolls, and Crackers
This amazing educational tool and recipe book combined is the shortcut to making delicious low carb and gluten free alternatives to breads, wraps rolls and crackers. Having delicious and nutritious alternatives to high carb foods helps you to make healthy choices without radical changes or sacrifices to your diet so you can enjoy the pleasure of eating baked goods without the guilt, or negative consequences.

£29 Value

So there it is...with this incredible transformation package you'll learn the truth about why your energy levels are so low, you'll discover the key foods that are causing your brain fog, lethargy, lack of motivation, gut health issues, and so much more.

I'm practically giving this away because I know what it’s like to be exhausted, lethargic, struggling with random aches and pains, and just feeling miserable all the time, and I know that just like I did, you can rediscover youthful energy levels and really reconnect with yourself on a powerful level. 
30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
If you don't feel like you get any value from this incredible package, I'll be delighted to give you your money back, no questions asked! 
The power for transformation
is in your hands!
People all over the world are taking action to reclaim their health, reverse troubling diagnoses, and discover energy and joy they never thought possible.

I know you can do it too, and I'm excited to take the journey with you!
Here’s A Recap Of
When You Purchase The AMAZING Offer!
  • ​No More Sugar Shame E-Book (£47 Value)
  • ​No More Sugar Shame Audiobook (£97 Value)
  • No More Sugar Shame Mood Journal (£47 Value)
  • ​Free Recorded Group coaching session (£150 Value)
  • BONUS #1 : Your Health IQ Index (£47 Value)
  • BONUS #2 : Transformation Toolkit (£97 Value)
  • BONUS #3 : Low Carb and Gluten free e-book (£29 Value)
Total Value: £514
But today, you're getting all of this...
For Only £47
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